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*Declined* Xrealm - application - enh shaman (11th Feb 09 at 7:37pm UTC)Quote Reply
Character name, race and class :
Treeslammer, tauren, shaman (enhancement).

Give us a review of your current gear (Armory profile preferably) :

What talent build will you use to raid with us, and why? (Please include a link):
Will be 17-54-0 the reason for this build is that it should give the best dps what i read of it and on my own experience.

You are expected to respec if the guild requests it, are you happy to do so? :
I played resto in TBC and before and im kinda happy atm to be enhancement.

Where is your current location, and how old are you? :
I live in the Netherlands and my age is 24 years.

What are your current professions and at what skill level are they? Why did you pick them? :
I have mining (450) and jewelcrafting (444) the reason for jewelcrafting is to make and use prismatics.

What is your previous raiding experience? ( Be 100% honest! ):
Wow classic cleared: MC, BWL, ZG, AQ20, couple bosses in AQ40.
TBC cleared: Karazhan, Gruuls liar, Magtheridion, SSC, TK, MH, BT. before the nerfs and when preq were still needed.
Wotlk cleared: Nax10, VoA10/25, OS10/25, Nax25 military quarter, sapphirion and KT did nax25 with a pug group.

What raiding guilds have you been part of, and why did you leave them? :
Working as Intended on Burning Legion im still in there but a lot of the core ppl left just before SWP came out so since then we weren't be able to do 25 mans.

Will you be able to attend all of our raids (Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Possible Friday's 19:30 - 0:00, and Sunday 19:30 - 0:00 server time)? If not, which can you specifically not attend and why?:
Can attend atleast 3 of them mon, tues and sundays prolly weds aswell atleast most of the times, thursdays and saturdays ill go out.

Do you know how to use Ventrilo, and are you able to? :
Yep i got vt do not have a mic yet.

Have you lead raids before? If so, to where and how often? :

Do you know anyone in Requiem who could give you a character reference? :
nope Xrealm for me.

When did you first start to play the game, and have you kept playing since then?:
around 4 years ago.

What other mmo's have you played? :
Only this one.

The reason for me to migrate is that on my current server (Burning Legion) 80% of the guilds are polish and most of the ppl i played with moved to different realms so its time for me to leave aswell. And ofc i want to do 25-man raids again.

I do use flasks, foodbuffs, etc. Also all my gear is enchanted and gemmed but that is obviously when you raid end game content.



Posts: 16
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Re: Xrealm - application - enh shaman (14th Feb 09 at 12:19pm UTC)Quote Reply
We've recently had one of our current Shamans fill our Enhancement spot, seeing as there is no need for 2 Enhancement Shamans- I'm unfortunately going to have to decline you.

gl finding a guild
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