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Application tho join the guild (18th Feb 09 at 10:31pm UTC)Quote Reply
Character name, race and class :
Toastedsheep orc shaman (my other char is Sarloti which is a social member of the guild)

Give us a review of your current gear (Armory profile preferably) :
i have aboute 1900 + healing with my own "buffs" which means enchant on wep and totem {Smile} here is a armory link:

I thought first i was going to play elemental (thats why i got the gloves) but then i figured resto was much more funn {Smile} i know that im not the best geared healer, but a few raids would do the trick:)

What talent build will you use to raid with us, and why?
I would use this talent build in the raid with you:

You are expected to respec if the guild requests it, are you happy to do so? :
yes i can play all specs but for enhancement i need to get all gear cuz i dont have enhancement gear at all :S

Where is your current location, and how old are you? :
I live in Norway in a town called Molde and im 17 years old, 18 the 24. sept

What are your current professions and at what skill level are they? Why did you pick them? :
i got skinning to provide some gold and mats for LW which i chose for the sweet enchant on bracers... though i dont have maxx lvl on it yet

What is your previous raiding experience? ( Be 100% honest! ):
Ive raided OS 10/25 Voa 10/25 naxx 10/ and partly 25 and malygos {Smile}

What raiding guilds have you been part of, and why did you leave them? :
I have raided in Slaughtercult in jeadenar server (which i just migrated from to play with Azek and Sarlotii which are irl firends of mine), i left that guild because, sorry to say, the gm there was acting like a 10 year old :S

Will you be able to attend all of our raids (Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Possible Friday's 19:30 - 0:00, and Sunday 19:30 - 0:00 server time)? If not, which can you specifically not attend and why?:
mon, weds, and fridays im at wrestling exercise from 18.30 to 20.30 otherwise that i can raid whenever the guild would like me to :>

Do you know how to use Ventrilo, and are you able to? :
Yes i use ventrilo almost every day to talk with Azek and Sarlotii{Smile}

Have you lead raids before? If so, to where and how often? :
No i havent lead raids before, other than pvp premades xD

Do you know anyone in Requiem who could give you a character reference? : Yes, Azek, he's an irl friend of mine.

When did you first start to play the game, and have you kept playing since then?:
I started to play WoW right when TBC came out and i have played om my shaman and my paladin alt since then

What other mmo's have you played? :
have played the mmo Guild Wars, but it was crappy so i started to play wow insted {Tongue Out}

Any other facts you'd like us to know? (e.g. Alt Chars- Your chance to impress us if you haven't already!): nothing more {Smile}
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